API Reference


This is yet another implementation of the tools called bumpversions. There are many such tools available in the wild and I thoroughly looked through them. And decided to reinvent the wheel. You have a legit question: WHY THE BLOODY HELL DOES THIS WORLD NEED YET ANOTHER BUMPVERSION? Because I wanted the tool which works better at slightly bigger scale and I wanted the tool which I won’t fight against immediately after adoption.

All bumpversion-like tools alllow you to manage versions of your software within a project. If you have a version number in your config file, documentation title, somewhere in the code, you know that it is irritating to update them manually to the new version. So there is whole set of tools which can manage them with one command.

For example, there is well-known and probably standard de-facto bumpversion. Unfortunately, bumpversion seems stale and seriously limited in its capabilities (this is the main reason why scd was born). For example, there are no regular expressions and replacement patterns look cumbersome (why do we need that serialize block if we can use templates? Templates are everywhere!). Also, I wanted to have a possibility to use several replacement blocks without dancing around INI syntax which never works on practice (probably I tend to complicate things, but with bigger project INI starts to irritate a lot).

scd is extensible with setuptools’ entrypoints. It basically means that if you want, you can always create you own implementation of some functions, scd will discover that and can use.

Currently, there is only one entrypoint is defined, scd.version. All instances of that entrypoint should be subclasses of scd.version.Version class. Please check scd.version.SemVer or scd.version.PEP440 for examples.